
Safety Tips for Summer to Prevent Heat-Related Illness

Jul 18, 2019

Health and Wellness

Safety Tips for Summer to Prevent Heat-Related Illness

Summer heat can be dangerous. High temperature makes it harder for the body to cool itself properly. Normally, the body cools itself by sweating. However, sweating is not enough during summer, as the temperature of the body increases quickly and develops heat-related illnesses. Read more to understand the tips and precautions for preventing heat-related illnesses this summer.

How Can We Stay Safe in Summer Heat?

You can follow these summer safety tips to prevent heat-related illness:

  • Stay in an air-conditioned space.
  • Drink more water at regular intervals even if you do not feel thirsty.
  • Do not drink alcohol and caffeine, as these beverages won’t help you stay hydrated.
  • Make sure you wear loose, light weight, and light-colored clothes.
  • Do not workout outdoors.
  • Stay informed and updated about the safety information.
  • Take proper care of pets and children.
  • Make sure you plan your outdoor activities either in the evening or before noon.

How Can We Keep Our Body Healthy in Summer?

Here are some ways that help you keep your body healthy this summer:

  • Apply sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Eat nutritious meals to minimize the chances of fainting from the summer heat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Minimize outdoor activities.
  • Avoid over-intoxication.

What Steps Should Be Taken to Avoid Heat Illnesses?

You can follow these steps to avoid heat illnesses:

  • Wear comfortable clothes. Synthetic, cotton or linen clothes are a perfect choice for the summer.
  • If you have health problems, seek your doctor’s advice before planning outdoor activities.
  • Drink more water and diluted electrolyte drinks to avoid dehydration.
  • Rehydrate your body after daily workouts.

Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses

Here are some important tips to prevent heat-related illnesses:

  1. Stay Cool

    • Try to stay indoors as much as possible.
    • Take a cool shower or bath to cool down your body.
    • Rest yourself in shady areas or use an umbrella when going outside.
    • Minimize the use of ovens and stoves to maintain a cooler temperature in your home.
    • Wear sunscreen.
    • Do not leave pets and children in cars even if the windows are open.
    • Avoid eating heavy and hot meals.
  2. Stay Hydrated

    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Avoid drinking alcoholic and sugary drinks, as these can cause stomach cramps.
    • Take sports drinks, as these can replace minerals and salt that you lose in sweat. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems, consult your doctor before taking sports beverages.
    • Keep your pets hydrated.
  3. Stay Informed

    • Check the local news for important summer safety information.
    • Learn the symptoms of heat-related illnesses, so that you can identify if you are exposed to such illnesses.
    • Monitor infants, young children, overweight people, elderly people, and people who have health problems.
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